Monday, July 25, 2011

When Is The Right Time for a Mix-Up?

The area of proposed rezoning NE of Fig Garden Shopping Center.
After taking a look at the Distict 2 Implementation Committee Meeting agenda ( for tonight at 5:30pm in City Hall, I noticed there are still major changes happening across the Fresno landscape.  In tonight's meeting, Scott Mommer, on behalf of Gunner Andros Investments LLC, is requesting that 3.96 acres of existing apartments and empty land be rezoned from R-2 (low density multi-family residential) to C-Pcz (Admin/Prof Office w/ conditions of zoning) where a proposed 4 story 104,593 sqft office building will be built.  It is already unsavory to me for changes to be made to the General Plan, even though I understand that the General Plan is just a guideline, but this also begs a question.  When will Fresno start developing mixed-use buildings?  Maybe a mixed use doesn't fit this project, but for a property so close to the Fig Garden Shopping Center which is one of Fresno's major activity centers, it should set an example for how new buildings can contribute to the place-making of an area.  Instead, a building with just one use and one purpose will be erected.  How can we establish high density by removing mid-density housing and placing a building that will most likely be occupied by those who will commute (using a car) from outer areas?  It is projects like this that should incite ideas on how you feel the high activity centers you visit every week should be made more livable and walkable.  Start looking at maps of the area you visit the most and take note where you would be willing to move if there was housing available, what you would need in the area without having to drive anywhere, and what kind of job you could possibly work at within walking distance or just a bus ride away.  Keep these things in mind and start taking notes, then start sharing them with your Council member, at a planning meeting or even on here if you like.  You can also email if you're interested in learning more,


  1. Sounds like this spot could work as a mixed office/residential spot, being so close to the shopping center.

  2. Indeed, but the only way developers who have been using the same template to build is if citizens, planning commission and city council voice and vote that they are against single-use construction and are looking for mixed-use in these high-activity areas.
