Sunday, October 9, 2011


It was a photo tag that first brought my attention to the "Occupy" movement.  The picture had no real information, so I looked a little further into what this movement stood for.  After some digging, it was still a little difficult to deduce a clear demand.  There was however, an event page made for a demonstration in Downtown Fresno that I took as an opportunity to find out more.  To my surprise, there was a good sized crowd when I showed up and as I meandered through the people, I could tell it was a diverse group at that.  So it was understood after some time that a clearly defined movement was not at hand, but still the fact that people were willing to meet for common understanding and frustration was comforting.  It was the understanding that there is a large imbalance in wealth and power that brought people there.  The frustration is the feeling when you sense there is nothing you can do about it.  But the comfort comes because it is only the meeting of mass amounts of people that can make any real change in our country.  Exercising our right to organize and speak freely against things in our lives that we believe are unjust are reasons why our country's soldiers are supposedly fighting for.  So to see a piece of America still alive was a proud sight to see.

There is another demonstration scheduled for tonight (Sunday) that does not set an ending time.  From the list of needs on their website, it seems like this will be one of their longest demonstration. People will be setting up at the Southeast area of the Courthouse Park in Downtown and are schedule to start arriving at 5pm.

Here are photos from Friday, October 7th event: